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QIJ Modeling, Speaking, Appearance Workshop

Queens In Jeans workshops are widely known and the Founder, Debra Fox, has been coaching pageant competitors for 40 years in the rodeo/ag industry.  Click this link to scan the Queens In Jeans Alumni members.

This two-day Workshop is open to any young woman who is interested in updating their pageant skills for both agricultural and rodeo queen pageants.  Time will be spent on the fundamentals, building blocks, and skills to improve in modeling, public speaking, interview, and appearance.

NOTE:  Age range is different for each location.  Check on the previous page.

Once your registration is received, you will be sent a confirmation email and additional emails providing you with information on what to wear and bring.  This is a WORKshop, not a pageant, so we want you dressed nice but comfortable -- not full queen attire.  Make sure you watch your email account for incoming messages.


All attendees will receive:

  • Two full days of in-depth training

  • A workbook

  • Discussions about where you are losing points in pageant

  • Runway Modeling 101 - Former President/ American Modeling Assoc will instruct

  • Photography techniques

  • How to prepare for prepared and extemporaneous speeches

  • Pageant interview techniques

  • Wardrobing on a Budget

  • Hat Shaping

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Debra Fox

  • Founder - Queens In Jeans Pageant Coaching (40 Years Experience)

  • 20+ Year International Speaker/Trainer

  • Best Selling Author - "Finding Your Moxie) #1 on Amazon in the "Women in Business" category

  • Former Modeling Agency Owner

  • Former President - American Modeling Assoc.

  • Director - MRA "Cowgirl Funk Video"

  • Miss Rodeo Kansas, 1980

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